About Us

Colleen's Story

Colleen Schoch is certified to lead groups through two different Abortion Recovery Programs. She experienced the heartbreak of an abortion as a young 18 year old woman. She suffered silently for 20 years before she received healing through an abortion recovery program. After she was healed she started to co-lead groups. She enjoyed volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center,  and then started a pregnancy center in Buffalo, NY.  She stepped down from Co-Directing the center 7 years ago. In the last few years she has focused on abortion recovery and leads groups online and in person. She has gathered a team of women who have experienced healing from their abortion to volunteer alongside her.


Surrendering the Secret allowed me a safe space to reflect and begin working through all the emotions I had buried from my abortion experience. Step by step I was able to start releasing the shame, guilt and resentment that I had bottled up for so long. While this process was not easy for me, it has been monumental in my overall healing and wellbeing as a whole person. ~Amy A

Surrendering the Secret program was truly an eye-opening and much needed path to my healing. Too often, women suffer in silence and struggle alone. Colleen’s compassionate approach made it easier to let go and accept God’s forgiveness in my life. I would eagerly recommend this path for others who are seeking clarity and acceptance of God’s forgiveness.~Tricia L

Colleen has incredible compassion and empathy for other women who have experienced abortion and throughout her program you are heard, seen and prayed for. ~Anonymous

Colleen was compassionate and professional, always on time and ready for our zoom meetings with valuable discussions. I grew in self awareness and healed many relationships through the course. ~Lis. S